Management and Coaching Skills for Leaders

Registration for FY25 classes begins in October.

Course Number

Leadership and coaching skills are essential for today's managers. Unit 1 of this course will help you identify your leadership strengths, provide you self-development tools to gain the trust, inspire commitment, promote persistence with your team and take you to the next level of your leadership development journey. Practice skills through group exercises, taking your Kouzes/Posner Leadership Predictive Index (LPI) assessment and a role-play. Unit 2 will help you understand the value of coaching and provide you with a safe space to practice new coaching techniques.

Key Topics
  • Defining your leadership journey, exploring the “Five Practices of Exemplary" Leadership and applying them to your leadership style, identifying your strengths and weaknesses using the LPI, and exploring different coaching models and principles.
  • Coaching to inspire performance and exploring how to create the right coaching environment for your team.
  • Mastering the art of asking the right questions, applying coaching principles to real-life scenarios, and obtaining tools and resources so you can apply principles learned immediately on the job.

NIH Team Leaders, Supervisors, Managers, and Executives.