Basic COR I Essentials (8 CLPs)

Registration for FY25 classes begins in October.

Course Number

This one-day course highlights the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) role, responsibilities, conduct, authority and ethics as well as the acquisition phases including planning, solicitation, evaluation and award and contract administration. It is designed for the prospective COR who is planning to serve on a technical evaluation panel or work on low-risk contract vehicles, such as supply contracts and orders. It provides a broad overview of the essential topics for the COR function and fundamental rules and regulations. This course meets one of the HHS requirements to obtain a FAC-COR Level 1 certification, however there are additional training requirements in place, consult with NIH Acquisition Career Program for guidance:

Please note that only federal employees are eligible to earn a FAC-COR certification as it is an inherently governmental function. Also, this course is NOT required as a pre-requisite for the Basic COR Essentials II class.

Key Topics
  • Introduction to the role of the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) at NIH
  • Description of duties and responsibilities of a COR
  • Responsibilities of serving on a technical evaluation panel
  • Acquisition planning to include phases of the acquisition process, market research, contract types, pre-solicitation process, source selection strategies and evaluation factors
  • Proposal evaluation
  • Past performance review to include CPARS and PPIRS
  • Purpose of contract monitoring


The NIH Acquisitions Community